So, back on opening day of the new Transformers movie I was looking forward to seeing it with a couple friends after work. I bought tickets online and changed my Googlechat status message to "More than meets the eye!" in anticipation. My friend S.B. saw my status message and came back with
So I replied
And he countered with
It went downhill from there.
All of which turned out to be way more entertaining than the movie.
More than eats these pies!
So I replied
More than beats that guy!
And he countered with
Porn defeats the spies!
It went downhill from there.
me: Format 'lites despise!
S.B.: Foreign cheats must die!
me: Mormons greet their wives! (sorry)
S.B.: More phlegm in the fries!
me: Foreman feet belie!
All of which turned out to be way more entertaining than the movie.