Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Wait wait...

Wait Wait
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me...(Image stolen from

don't tell me...

A while back I became addicted to the wonderful Word Nerds podcast. It's published by a teacher in Virginia along with his colleague from the same school and his brother, who teaches at a school in North Carolina. Each week's show has a theme where they discuss, for example, puns or the particular idiosyncrasies of locker room lingo. But this only sated my podcast thirst, which I usually listen to while working out on the elliptical trainer, once a week, so I went looking for another good weekly podcast or two.

People kept telling me about how good the NPR show "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me..." was, so I went looking for a podcast version of the show. Sure enough, they publish the weekly show as a podcast which can be found here. Let me tell you that it is an absolute joy to listen to this show. And the podcast format is beautiful. It actually makes me look forward to my monday workout as it provides the best opportunity to listen to this brilliant show. I'm sure most of you have at least heard of it and many of you probably listen to it broadcast on your favorite NPR station, but if you're looking for something to make your workout routine a little less routine then download this podcast!

p.s. I'm looking for more good, entertaining podcasts to listen to during the remaining days of the week. Does anyone have any good suggestions?


Anonymous said...

This was fun to listen to :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new blog finally!

Gretchen said...

Wait Wait is the highlight of my Saturday! I love that show.

Anonymous said...

Check out "A Splendid Table"---another great show on NPR. Great for food-lovers!

Nancy Drew said...

I love listening to Wait Wait, especially in public on my iPod. I tend to listen to it when I'm doing laundry, and I get lots of funny looks from other people at the laundromat when I laugh out loud because it's SO DARN FUNNY!