Thursday, September 20, 2007

Nice Melon!

Crazy Unidentified melon
Originally uploaded by thewbert.
My old college buddy Colin happened to be passing through town the other day and so I let him and his now-fiance Petra crash at my place. After spending a good week and a half in the Utah wilderness they came through Colorado again on their way back to Chicago. The gave me this melon, acquired in Green River, Utah, as thanks for my hospitality. Green River apparently has a huge melon festival about this time year celebrating the annual melon harvest. This melon, a Casaba Melon, looks awesome. It looks like something that should only exist in Dr. Suess land. I think tonight I shall cut it open and see how it tastes.

1 comment:

Magister said...

We ate one of those at our DeWaters BBQ senior summer at K. I remember being wowed that Meijer would have such a strange looking fruit. Then again, they carried Cherimoyas. -J